Joined Kaizen® Institute of Europe in 1996 as a consultant. After joining the Institute,
he became more involved in business development activities for the company and was
promoted to Head of Sales and Marketing division of Western Europe in 2002.
Since joining Kaizen® Institute, he has been assisting companies in various market
sectors, such as automotive, electronics, food, consumer goods, energy,
distribution and logistics with application of Kaizen® principles, methodologies
and tools.
Mr. Eric Decourtye秉持追求持續改善的管理哲學,幫助客戶成為「持續改善」的專家,服務遍佈全球各地區34個國家與眾多知名企業,包括美國聯合利華Uniliever、美國戴姆樂克來斯勒 Daimler Chrysler、美國超微半導體AMD、德國巴斯夫集團化工公司BASF、瑞士羅氏藥廠ROCHE、日本菸草公司JTI等。 |
Prior to joining the Kaizen® Institute, Eric Decourtye started his professional
career with the computer manufacturer Bull where he worked as a
Production Manager and Project Manager, for divisions in France and the
United States. Then, he was promoted to Production Director for a
manufacturer of chargers and inverters for
industrial applications. Later, he took over the responsibility of
Industrial Director for a start up company specialised in
Eric Decourtye is a French national and speaks English fluently.